
The KOMPLY Smoke Free Collaboration Project

KOMPLY Report Download (7.6Mb) KOMPLY Factsheet Download (1.8Mb) This is the first report from a project that was conceptualized and conducted by the KOMPLY Collaboration, an international team of health advocates, clinicians and researchers.The team members were...

MakSPH-CTCA yet in another novel research project

A novel research project on integrating tobacco cessation into TB programs using mHealth approach has been inaugurated by MakSPH, CTCA and Ministry of Health Uganda with the aim of improving TB treatment outcomes and increasing quit rates among TB patients in Uganda....

CTCA Regional Meeting in Pretoria South Africa

In response to the tobacco use burden and its impacts, the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) was established by the World Health Organisation (WHO) at Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) with funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...

Supporting governments to implement evidence-based tobacco control strategies in Africa


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