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This is the first report from a project that was conceptualized and conducted by the KOMPLY Collaboration, an international team of health advocates, clinicians and researchers.The team members were brought together by the World Heart Federation’s Emerging Leaders program that took place in Bangalore India in March 2016. The main goal of the program is to contribute toward improving global cardiovascular health and reduced global cardiovascular disease [1].The program is aligned with the World Health Organization’s “25 x 25” target of reducing the risk of premature (<70 years) mortality from cardiovascular disease and other non-communi- cable diseases by 25% by 2025 [2]. The KOMPLY team was assembled based on a keen interest among the members to reduce the exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke, particularly in vulnerable regions such as Africa.

The Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) is the lead organization for the KOMPLY Collaboration project; however, the group worked in parrtnership with the University of Makerere to carry out the data collection during the initial phases of the project.