CTCA offers Technical and Institutional Support to governments in Africa, pools and avails evidence and resources; and supports cross sector collaboration for Tobacco Control at National and Regional Levels.
Our services are aimed at achieving outcomes geared towards attaining the technical areas of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) including;
- Legislation and policy,
- Smoke Free Environments,
- Raising tobacco taxes,
- Pictorial Health Warnings on Tobacco products ( PHWs),
- Banning Tobacco Advertising Promotion and Sponsorship ( TAPS), and
- Alternative Livelihood.
CTCA also supports its target countries to;
- Strengthen National tobacco control programs by making evidence, tools and technical expertise available;
- Mobilize human and financial resources
- Strengthen tobacco control partnerships at national and regional levels
- Scope: Initially target five countries- Angola, Kenya, Mauritania, S. Africa, & Uganda