Government technocrats in Niger oriented on Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC
Niamey, August 10, 2016 The Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa ( CTCA) in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Niger have held an orientation workshop for government technocrats executing health policies to educate them on their role in implementing Article 5.3...
Government of Gabon adopts five tobacco control decrees
The Government of Gabon has adopted five decrees in support of tobacco control. The decrees adopted in April 2016 are aimed at providing a legal framework for the effective implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, (FCTC). The decrees cover...
CTCA and IDRC urged to develop a bigger community of tobacco control researchers in Africa
Researchers in tobacco control have been advised to always add an economic angle to their findings so as to make the research outcomes more appealing to policy makers. This was one of the key observations during the annual dissemination workshop for research findings...
CTCA undertakes an assessment for implementing Alternative Livelihoods in Kenya
Nairobi: July 7, 2016- The Government of Kenya has expressed commitment to work with CTCA to facilitate tobacco farmers to transit from tobacco growing to other economically viable alternatives. This revelation was made during a fact finding mission jointly carried...
Francophone countries undertake training in Tobacco Industry Documents Research in Africa ( TIDRA)
A three day training has been held Dhaka, Senegal, to equip tobacco control actors with techniques to effectively search, use and disseminate tobacco industry information to mitigate tobacco industry policy interference in the Africa. The training on Tobacco...
World No Tobacco Day 2016-WHO urges countries to prepare for Plain Packaging
WNTD Flyer CTCA On May 31, tobacco control advocates all over the world will join efforts to commemorate World No Tobacco Day. The Theme for this year’s campaign is ‘ Get ready for Plain Packaging’, otherwise known as ‘standardized packaging.’...
Uganda Tobacco Control Act 2015 comes into Force; bans smoking in Public places
Kampala, May 19, 2016 The Uganda Tobacco Control Act 2015 has come into force today, six months after being gazetted on 18th November 2015. The tobacco control bill was passed by Parliament on 28th July 2015, and was assented to by the President on 19th September...
ACBF Executive Secretary Prof. Emmanuel Nnadozie emphasizes the need for capacity development for tobacco control leadership
The Executive Secretary ( ES) of The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), Zimbabwe, Prof. Emmanuel Nnadozie this morning paid a courtesy call to the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa ( CTCA) at Centre’s premises in Kasangati, near Kampala. The ES was...
CTCA urges capacity development stakeholders to invest in tobacco control capacity to curb the tobacco epidemic
Stakeholders attending the 3rd Pan-African Capacity Development Forum ( ACDF) in Harare, Zimbabwe have been cautioned to invest in capacity for tobacco control as one of the priorities for the social economic transformation for Africa. This was during aside event...
Supporting governments to implement evidence-based tobacco control strategies in Africa
Plot 2 Ekobo Avenue
Kololo, Kampala Uganda
Monday -Friday: 8am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed
(+256) 393-202-374/5