Across the world, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect us. Governments, institutions, and communities are all still grappling with the impact of this life-changing pandemic, finding a new norm. 

The 1st Africa Conference on Tobacco Control and Development was scheduled to take place from the 27 to 30 September this year.

Due to the ongoing developments around the pandemic and after careful consideration, the oversight committee of the conference has, however, decided to move the conference. 

The 1st Africa Conference on Tobacco Control and Development  will now take place on 26 to 28 October 2021

This move, we believe, is the safest approach for the well-being of our global audience.  We are excited to still bring you a virtual event that makes it possible to access  learning opportunities and engagement across continents. As an attendee you will still be able to participate in vital conversations. 

The conference agenda is will now stretch over 3 days instead of four. Each day will have shorter sessions to  ensure that content is delivered in more digestible segments. You are now able to view the planned sessions here.

The first Africa Conference on Tobacco Control and Development is jointly hosted by the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa and the Africa Capacity Building Foundation.