CTCA’s M&E system has been developed based on the needs and requirements for performance reporting at all levels of project implementation. The project has four key result areas based on four strategic objectives and a goal which was derived from the growing threat of tobacco use in the region and recognized deficiencies among African governments to prevent tobacco consumption and the need for a resource centre for tobacco control in Africa.The Project team agreed on the performance outcomes and outputs to monitor and evaluate.
The CTCA Team together with WHO developed key indicators to monitor outcomes and outputs. The indicators were developed to support the project assess the degree to which the outcomes and the goal are being achieved. Under this activity the team also developed data collection, analysis, and reporting tools. A plan was developed to support the team plan and gather baseline data on indicators.
Under the guidance of the M&E Specialist, the CTCA Project has developed M&E System guidelines to support building a monitoring system including a system of data collection, analysis, and reporting guidelines; designating who will be responsible for which activities; establishing means of quality control; establishing timelines and costs.
Also the guidelines specify show how data will flow from project areas to the CTCA System and what will be the roles of government departments and other partners/stakeholders. Also described in the M&E system will be the method of dissemination of the CTCA Project information. In this section, the roles of WHO, Country Hubs, partners and other civil society organizations that are implementing tobacco control and prevention programs are described. This is aimed at strengthening information utilization, accountability and collaboration.
The CTCA M&E System describes the analysis and reporting of findings both at program level and for studies. The system clearly describes what information will be reported, to whom, in what format, and at what intervals and who will be doing it at all levels of implementation. A description of evaluation information; baselines, midterm and end term reviews specifically assessing progress towards outcomes and the goal is shown and how the results/reports will be disseminated and used.
The system also has taken care of sustainability in terms of involving relevant government ministries to adopt tobacco control and prevention indicators, routine data collection hence sustaining the M&E system within government. This is a long-term plan to ensure that government ministries have a functional M&E System for tobacco control and prevention programs. In addition, the system will ensure government structures& systems are strengthened, quality data and accurate information, as well as building capacity in M&E through mentorship. Each of these dimensions needs continued attention over time to ensure the viability of the system.