COP5: Summary Outcomes
The 5th session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO-Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was held between 12-17 November 2012, Seoul, South Korea.
The most significant decision was the adoption of a new treaty, the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products (ITP). This protocol will open up for ratification on 10 January 2013 and till 9 Jan 2014. ITP agrees on a set of measures to secure the supply chain of tobacco products, identifies offenses that are criminal, also agrees on establishing a mechanism for international cooperation, information sharing, etc.
Other significant decisions by COP5
Committee A
- INTERPOL’s application for observer status was rejected for the time being because of its suspected relation with the tobacco industry
- Adoption of a “set of guiding principles and recommendations” on Article 6 (tax and price measures) – in essence, the skeleton of Article 6 guidelines – with work on a set of full guidelines to continue.
- Adoption of two new additions to guidelines on Articles 9 and 10 (on reduced ignition propensity and disclosure of emissions and ingredients information). WHO was invited to continue with further work in the area of reducing toxicity, addictiveness of tobacco products; also to monitor country level experience in implementation of the partial guidelines. WHO has also been requested to compile a non-exhaustive list of toxic contents and emissions of tobacco products.
- Adoption of two new additions to guidelines on Articles 9 and 10 (on reduced ignition propensity and disclosure of emissions and ingredients information). The Articles 9&10 working group will continue, but with a reduced budget, so no face-to-face meeting of the full group.
- Establishment of an expert group on Article 19 (liability), with a mandate to look at both the existing best practices and obstacles to Liability, other legal and compensation issues
- The draft policy options and recommendations on sustainable alternative livelihoods [for tobacco growers] – Articles 17/18 – have been sent back to the working group for further discussion in 2013/14.
- On smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes, WHO was invited to collect existing best practices on the prevention and control of smokeless tobacco products and e-cigarettes; look at research gaps and suggest policy options to COP6.
Committee B
- A working group on mechanisms of assistance, with a mandate to look at why Parties are not getting appropriate help with FCTC implementation and what to do about it.
- On travel support to who FCTC meetings, it was agreed there will continue to be per diems for least-developed countries and airplane tickets for all low- and lower-middle-income Parties at least through COP6, and the Secretariat was mandated to raise extra funds to provide per diems for LMICs.
- On reporting arrangements, the Secretariat has the mandate to develop a “WHO FCTC Indicator Compendium”. the COP mandated the Secretariat to produce a report on options for an impact assessment of the FCTC at the 10-year mark (i.e. for the 2005-2015 period).
- On reporting arrangements, the Secretariat has the mandate to develop a “WHO FCTC Indicator Compendium”.
- At Norway’s urging, the COP mandated the Secretariat to produce a report on options for an impact assessment of the FCTC at the 10-year mark (i.e. for the 2005-2015 period).
- On South-to-South cooperation, it was agreed that the Secretariat will organize demonstration projects.
See FCTC COP5 Detailed Decisions and Draft reports Below
Decision on the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products
Decision on Applications for the status of observer to the Conference of the Parties
First report of Committee A (DRAFT)
Second report of Committee A (DRAFT)
The next COP Meeting-COP6, will be held in Moscow, end 2014