Effective communication and advocacy is a key integral part to the successful operations and delivery of projects and programmes by the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA). Good communications will help reduce speculation and misunderstandings around the likely outcomes and impact of Centre’s programs and activities by keeping stakeholders fully informed, and will help to reduce duplication between projects and programmes, as well as facilitate sharing of best practices and lessons learned. This approach is also expected to enhance knowledge about tobacco control and the related legislation among the key stakeholders and the general public.
CTCA’s advocacy is intended to mobilize both human and financial resources for target countries to support them in the implementation of the WHO/FCTC agreement. It is expected to secure the support of key stakeholders like governments, policy makers, and partners to influence policy changes and sustain political and financial commitment towards tobacco control.
A communication and Advocacy strategy (C&AS) is being developed to provide a road map for a well coordinated, innovative, timely, evidence-based and professional communication process in the five target countries of Uganda, Kenya, Republic of South Africa, Mauritania and Angola.
The strategic approach to communication and advocacy by the CTCA is twofold. On one hand, the communication programs seek to create visibility for the Center and awareness of what CTCA stands for, establish and maintain good will and mutual understanding, and, consequently create and promote the demand for CTCA’s services.
On the other hand, the communication and advocacy programs are intended stimulate and support country specific, as well as regional communication and advocacy initiatives for evidence based tobacco control measures which include; smoke -free environments, increase in tobacco taxes, graphic warnings on tobacco packages, and a ban on Tobacco Advertising, promotion and Sponsorship (TAPS)
Bulletin &Newsletter:
The Centre has both an online monthly bulletin – CTCA Newsreel- and a quarterly newsletter. CTCA News Reel is an electronic monthly bulletin circulated widely to partners and stakeholders as part of the Centre’s efforts to create awareness about policy and advocacy issues related to tobacco control in Africa. The newsreel also highlights the key undertakings of the Centre.( Link to the Newsreel)
The Centre will also publish a quarterly newsletter with a broader focus on advocacy issues drawn on the best available evidence, best practices and experiences, with the view of mobilizing both human and financial resources for tobacco control at national and regional levels.
Latest from CTCA:
- Development of the CTCA Annual Work Plan for 2011/2012 ; A retreat was held August 15-17, 2011 to initiate the process. A lead consultant, Mr. Wilber Turyasingura was contracted to spearhead the process. A draft work plan is available.
Operation and Administration: The Centre started its operations in August 2011 when it moved into its home in Kasangati. However the work of the Centre started in July 2011 following the signing of the WHO Service Agreement and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the host, Makerere University School of Public Health (MaKSPH) and Consortium members; Uganda National Association for Community and Occupational Health ( UNACOH) ; www.unacoh.org and Uganda Health Communication Alliance ( UHCA); www.healthuganda.org. A contract was also signed with ACLAIM, the financial management firm.
CTCA is currently working on a number of proposals to mobilise more resources for the Centre.
Launch of the Centre: The Centre will be officially launched on November 1, 2011, in Kampala.