Smoking Out Lies

Download Report Here (English Pdf 3.5 Mbs)  Globally, one person dies every six seconds because of tobacco use. If Left unchecked, tobacco is predicted to kill more than 8 million people globally each year by 2030. Conversely, the 6-leading tobacco companies (Phillip...

The KOMPLY Smoke Free Collaboration Project

KOMPLY Report Download (7.6Mb) KOMPLY Factsheet Download (1.8Mb) This is the first report from a project that was conceptualized and conducted by the KOMPLY Collaboration, an international team of health advocates, clinicians and researchers.The team members were...

Health Cost of Tobacco Use in Uganda

-Download Report here  -Factsheet HCS  The economic cost of tobacco use is a well-studied issue in the context of high-income countries. It has been measured in only a handful of low and middle-income countries (LMICs). This is partly because the tobacco epidemic is...


Background Information Makerere University School of Public Health’s Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) was established in 2011 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to support governments in African countries to develop tobacco control policy and...