The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC), spells out as one of the general obligations to the Parties (Article 5), the establishment, or enforcement of public health policies with respect to tobacco control. The Parties are further obliged to implement comprehensive multi-sectoral national tobacco control strategies, plans and programs and related coordination mechanisms.

Evidence shows that enacting and fully implementing a comprehensive FCTC Compliant tobacco control policies and legislation protects present and future generations from the devastating health, social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke.

Establishment of tobacco control policy and legislation can be a difficult undertaking due potential opposing factors within existing policy in the country in question. This is especially true in low and medium income countries of Africa, where national pro tobacco policies exist. Factors related to global or regional trade agreements may also pose a great challenge to tobacco control legislation at the country level. Therefore, before embarking on the development of tobacco control policy and legislation, it is important to understand the current legal framework and how this may conflict with a comprehensive tobacco control law. Understanding the national constitution is important guide to advocate for tobacco control policy and enact effective legislation. For example, if the constitutions in the country guarantees its citizens the right to health or the right to life, this can be used as a strong argument against socio-economic opposition to tobacco control law.

Tobacco control policies and laws do not necessarily need to be formulated and implemented at the central government level. In some countries it is possible to enact decrees, or regulations through the city or local government authorities, given that there is willingness to do so. Although limited in scope such regulations are faster to establish and easier to monitor. These possibilities should be appealed to especially where there is reluctance for tobacco control law at the national level, but where there is readiness sub national levels, or in situations where central government procedures are lengthy and cumbersome.

The policy elements recommended by the WHO FCTC are in two broad categories; demand reduction provisions aimed at reducing the demand for tobacco and supply reduction measures aimed at reducing production, distribution, availability and supply of tobacco.

CTCA is supporting governments in its target countries to develop and implement tobacco control policy and legislation, as well as to build and sustain institutional capacity for tobacco control. This is done through offering technical, institutional and cross sector support for tobacco control at national and regional levels.