The Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) supported Ministry of Health to hold the first coordination meeting in Nouakchott, Mauritania on 21 and 22 January 2014. The meeting, brought together all stakeholders (Ministry of Health, line Ministries, Civil Society Organizations CSO) in Tobacco Control (TC) with the aim of encouraging coordinated action particularly in face the biggest challenges of health , namely passing a ” bill relating to the production, importation, distribution, marketing, advertising, promotion and consumption on tobacco and its products . ” This law will be the first anti-smoking law in the history of the Mauritanian Government.
Participants in the coordination meeting agreed to prioritize the TC Bill. This proposal had earlier been agreed to by Civil Society in January. During the meeting, other partners agreed to support key activities including communication , advocacy and training.
The coordination meeting could not have been held at a better time. The season in Mauritania is one where the political and legislative institutions of the Republic were undergoing change due to elections at the Country Legislative, Municipal and Senatorial levels. The Center Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) has followed the change process very keenly and attended the introduction of the new Mauritanian Parliament soon after the elections.
While a new government is in place, the Ministry of Health has not experienced much change. The Minister of Health and the Secretary General have remained the same after the cabinet reorganization which is an advantage for tobacco control. The change of the Membership of the National Assembly by 3/4 as well as the Senate poses a challenge to tobacco control as demands capacity building for tobacco control before the adoption of the law. The coordination and cooperation led by the Ministry of Health is expected to provide the structure for this support.
Several activities have so far been done in the area of policy advocacy by civil society according to the targets the organizations set for themselves. Some are in this page, ADEMIS Association, focus on Maternal and Child Health paid a visit to the religious leaders, and the President of the National Assembly to advocate for programing and the adoption of the law.
The Network of Journalists for Tobacco Control Mauritania (AJAT) has contacted a number of MPs particularly women MPs to raise awareness on tobacco control and generate a critical mass for TC in parliament.
In addition, the AJAT organized a training workshop for the benefit of community leaders and made a call for them to support tobacco control at the community level.
Relatedly, they also published a brochure and images on the health consequences of tobacco, made a broadcast on radio FM Nouakchott and talked about the need for programming of the bill and its adoption by Parliament.

President of AJAT during the talk show at Radio FM Nouakchott

Sensitisation Seminar of the leaders of the Commune by the AJAT at Dar Naim Municipality
Advocacy meetings initiated by WHO continued by the WHO Representative (WR) engaging the Minister of Health on Thursday, April 24, 2014
The WR, Dr. Baptiste also engaged the President to the National Assembly of Mauritania on the Tobacco Control Bill. During this meeting, Dr. Baptiste reminded the President to the National Assembly of the country’s commitments and obligation to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. He reiterated the availability of technical support through the WHO’s Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa ( CCTA) as well as through MoH. The Presidentr of the National Assembly thanked the WHO Representative and through him WHO support provided to Mauritania. He promised support for the tobacco control bill to be scheduled as soon as possible, in the next parliamentary session in May 2014.
The Ministry of Health in collaboration with WHO – AFRO, the WHO Country Office and the Centre for Tobacco Control adopted a roadmap to expand its tobacco control work and support particularly towards the tobacco control Bill. This roadmap was adopted by the coordinating mechanism for tobacco control in Mauritania and will be enriched by the other TC partners in the country.
CTCA continues to play an important role in the country by availing the necessary technical support for the coordination mechanism in Mauritania. Some of the practical benefits of the coordination so far, include human, material and financial resources for supporting the TC Bill.
In preparation for the adoption of smoke-free legislation in Mauritania two networks has been built and consists of:
– The platform for dialogue and action on tobacco control Mauritania constructed April 20, 2014 and
– The Mauritanian League for Tobacco Control constructed April 26, 2014.
Each network has set itself the objective of supporting the adoption of the Tobacco Control Act and actions of information, education, training and advocacy.
At the end of day all actors are pushing to get the bill on the Agenda and to sensitize General public and leaders to adopt the TC Law.