Non-price measures to reduce the demand for tobacco

The WHO- Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) recognizes the need for governments to adopt a comprehensive set of non-price measures/policies to reduce the demand for tobacco products. These include the following:

• Policies that ensure protection from exposure to tobacco smoke (Article 8), especially in indoor work places, public transport and indoor public places; • Policies that ensure regulation of the contents of tobacco products and regulation of tobacco product disclosures ( Art 9 and 10);

• Policies regulating the packaging and labeling of tobacco products (Art 11) including Pictorial Health Warnings within  three years after entry into force of WHO FCTC for that country;

• Policies concerning education, communication, training and public awareness ( Art 12);

• Policies on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship ( Art 13) ( TAPS) within five years of entry into force of WHO FCTC for that country; and,

• Demand reduction programs concerning tobacco dependence and cessation ( Art 14).

CTCA is supporting governments in their effort to achieve their obligations under WHO FCTC, with a particular priority for time bound obligations like the implementation of Pictorial Health Warnings (PHWs) 


Pictorial Health Warnings (PHWs)