by CTCA | Aug 28, 2013 | News
The first ever virtual Tobacco Control Networking platform for Africa (NWAP) has been hosted by CTCA. The forum, launched on August 27, is aimed at enhancing information sharing, knowledge and country experience among government tobacco control focal points . The...
by CTCA | Aug 27, 2013 | News
The WHO Country Representative to Uganda, Dr. Wondimagegnehu Alemu has commended the able leadership of the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa ( CTCA) , under Makerere University School of Public Health ( MakSPH), as well as the Tobacco Control technical...
by CTCA | Aug 26, 2013 | News
The new Health Minister of Uganda, Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda, has commended the joint efforts by tobacco control stakeholders in Uganda to spearhead tobacco control through a coordinated platform. He further pledged his support to the Tobacco control bill and assured...
by CTCA | Jul 18, 2013 | News
A tobacco control capacity assessment exercise is currently under way in Angola to help the government identify thecountry’sabilitytoimplement tobaccocontrol, based on the WHO FrameworkConventiononTobaccoControl(WHO FCTC). The assessment is jointly carried out by...
by CTCA | Jul 12, 2013 | News
A team of tobacco control experts who have been meeting to review the Tobacco control bill have agreed to set specific deadlines and targets on when the bill should be presented to parliament for the first reading. The two day meeting sponsored by CTCA was aimed at...
by CTCA | Jun 27, 2013 | News
The second Annual Performance Review for the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa ( CTCA) is currently under way in Kampala, from June 24-27, 2013. The review was carried out by EnCompass, an International Independent Management consulting firm which facilitated the...