Tobacco Economics

Tobacco Economics Tobacco Economics concerns the growing, processing, manufacturing, and marketing of tobacco products. It concerns, also, the impact of this industry on people’s livelihoods and government revenue versushealth, environmental and social costs of...

Capacity building

The governments in Africa recognizing that tobacco use is a growing epidemic strongly supported the adoption of the global treaty, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC). However, the effective implementation and domestication of the treaty has...

Supply Reduction Measures

SUPPLY REDUCTION MEASURES OF TOBACCO AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS There are two sides to the sustainment of tobacco use: demand and supply of tobacco products. The supply side includes the availability, ease of accessibility and affordability of tobacco products. The global...

Price and tax measures to reduce the demand for tobacco

Price and tax measures to reduce the demand for tobacco Increased taxes on tobacco products leading to increased prices is the most cost effective measure to reduce consumption of tobacco especially among youth.   Article 6 of the WHO- Framework Convention on Tobacco...


TOBACCO PRODUCT REGULATION The  increase of production and consumption of cigarettes and other tobacco products, especially in Africa is of great health concern.  Tobacco products contain nicotine, which induces a dependence disorder (addiction) and other inherent...

Demand Reduction Measures

 DEMAND REDUCTION MEASURES OF TOBACCO AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS  Despite growing evidence since the 1950s of the hazards of tobacco use, the Tobacco Industry has continued to carry out its trade with impunity. Interventions to reduce the demand of tobacco products that are...