The Maize enterprise

About the Maize Enterprise The maize crop will be planted on land that has been planted with tobacco. Considering that the farmers have limited access to land, there will not be any land opening hence it will be substitution of tobacco for maize. High-yielding disease...

The Poultry enterprise

Under this enterprise, the chicken will be kept in poultry housing units that will be refurbished with the technical guidance of the trainers. They will be well ventilated to provide sufficient air circulation. This will enhance disease control and will minimise...

CTCA trains tobacco control enforcers in  Niger

Niamey-December 17, 2015 Participants during the Enforcement training in Niger Implementers of tobacco control in Niger have been called upon to be more vigilant in their work  as they implement tobacco control. Dr Mai Moctar Hassane, the Inspector General of Health...