What is the Data to Action Toolkit


The Data to Action Toolkit for Africa is a guide for governments and other tobacco control stakeholders to systematically use existing data and information to drive tobacco control  policy and programmes. The kit aims at:

Identifying existing data and information sources that are relevant to TC 

Developing a strategy on how to access and utilize the information for policy change , legislation development and implementation of TC programs

Identifying data and information gaps including areas for further research 

Identifying strategies for improving monitoring policies and programs and surveillance systems in-country.

Building capacity at country level to be able to identify and utilize existing data and information in the different areas of tobacco control to be able to:

Drive policy change to advance tobacco control

Make evidence based decision  

Counter tobacco industry interference (use evidence, existing statistics to reason a case)

Developing a plan of action on identified priorities 

The toolkit is to be used by all tobacco control actors within a country, ministry, department or an organization. 

The benefits of this toolkit are 3 fold: 

Uses proven methodologies to identify, understand and address data and or information barriers to exising tobacco control policy and program 

Leads to quality improvement and innovations in tobacco control policies and programs using existing data and information leading to increamental and or radical changes in the way of work. 

Facilitates TC actors to set priorities and action plans to addres the identified barriers

The kit also serves as a communications tool which allows TC partners to share and learn from each other on how to address multiple challenges in TC pogramming.

Therefore, the Data to Action Toolkit is a value addition to implemnting quality and innovative tobacco control programs in Africa.