The  increase of production and consumption of cigarettes and other tobacco products, especially in Africa is of great health concern.  Tobacco products contain nicotine, which induces a dependence disorder (addiction) and other inherent compounds found in tobacco have been demonstrated to damage health.  In addition, cigarettes and certain smokeless tobacco products are highly engineered to induce  and maintain addiction in a fast and most comfortable manner to the user, by including  dangerous additives and flavors. In addition the smoke emitted by the burning cigarette further contain pharmacologically active compounds that are toxic cancerogene and mutagenic. Altogether these compounds justify, why the user must know the severe consequence of using tobacco. 

Articles 9 and 10 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ( WHO FCTC) and the accompanying Guidelines provide Parties with the necessary legislative, administrative, executive and/or other measures to regulate the content of tobacco products, and to establish mechanisms by which tobacco product contents (natural or additives) can be measured. The Convention also requests Parties to oblige the tobacco industry to disclose information on the toxic contents of tobacco products and emissions thereof.